Local Buying Tips

Buying a property can be very exciting and also very confusing. Below I have listed a checklist of 10 things you should always consider when purchasing a property.

1. Find a great Realtor: A great Realtor may reduce alot of the stress of home buying. Ask friends or co workers for recommendations or referrals. Once you have found somebody you like, make sure she is willing to communicate with you in the form you want (email, phone, text, etc.) and as often as you want.

2.Get pre approved for a loan: This is very important as this will give you a guide of what you can buy and what payments you feel comfortable paying. Another advantage, is once you love a home you are ready to submit an offer.

3. Do not look at to many homes: It is very easy to get overwhelmed and confused with all your options. Make a list of what you must have and have your Realtor guide to specific homes to narrow your search.

4. Keep an open mind: Once you give your Realtor an idea what you are looking for let them handle the search for you. Be open to suggestions from your real-estate agent, who might show you something you didn't know you would love.

5. Check the neighborhoods: Once you find your perfect home take the time to know the area. A large part of your satisfaction with daily life revolves around the amenities, schools and neighbors where you live.

6. Never buy without a home inspection: It is very important to get a home inspection on a home. You cannot rely on what you see when you walk through the home. There is much more that a professional licensed inspector can assist you to let you know the condition of the home.

7. If you are unsure of something, ask: A Realtor will explain the home buying process but if there is something you are not understanding or not sure of, speak up. Its the realtor's job to explain the process in complete detail until you feel very comfortable.

8.Submit your highest and best offer upfront: In markets that are doing relatively well, prime properties often receive multiple offers. Make sure it's a realistic offer and submit it with a list of comparable sales to support it.

9. Compromise: To come up with a winning bid, you might have to tailor it to a seller's needs, such as a longer or shorter close. Do not lose a house you love over something small like carpet, appliances or countertops. It's not these things that will make or break your experience in a house, it's the big things such as layout, size and location.

10. Do not get emotional: It's easy to get caught up in the excitement and tension of bidding. You shouldn't move past your predetermined price range, no matter how much you love the house.